Coming Soon… WOMEN ONLY Turkish Section, beginning with Qur’an classes,in shaa Allah!
Author: Safeerah3
Safeerah French
Alhamdulillah Safeerat Alislam has launched its new French department and we are accepting new student’s applications to join our French Islamic course, where they
Mosques are Built to Invoke Allah Alone
The mosques are built to worship and to invoke Allah alone not to invoke anyone else. Proof :” And the mosques are for Allah
Some Feedbacks from our Distant Course’ s Students, Alhamdulillah
The Empty Space in the Cup!
How many people slept with health, wealth, strength, safety, family, and woke up with nothing at all? How many of us feels whatever
Be Careful About Choosing Your Close Friends
Aboo Moosaa ( رضي ) الله عنه reported Allaah’s Messenger ( )صلى الله عليه وسلم as saying: “The similitude of good company and that
The Mercy Found in the Miraculous Islamic Slaughtering of Animals
All praise is due to Allah, these animals were created by Allah to serve us, they give full submission when mentioning Allah’s name while